Are there ways to help your body heal and thrive that you're maybe overlooking?
Are there ways to help your body heal and thrive that you're maybe overlooking?
On the episode today, Patricia Dalgleish, of LifeVantage joins me to tell you how to activate your energy.
You can find Patricia online @
Links for Patricia's upcoming webinars on Sept. 12th and Sept. 19th
Facebook: Patricia Dalgleish
Watch the video of this interview on our YouTube channel.
Our ONLINE CONFERENCE is coming soon!
Hear from our panel of experts on Tuesday, Sept. 26th from 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm (MST).
Patricia Dalgleish 0:00
Good day. My name is Patricia Dalgliesh and you are listening to the Divorce Magazine Canada Podcast. Welcome.
Deena Kordt 0:08
Hey, are you or someone you care about considering dealing with, or been through a divorce or separation? Well, you're in the right place. You don't have to do this alone. There are people who care and want to help.
Deena Kordt 0:26
Hi, I'm Deena Kordt, and author, blogger, publisher, and empowerment coach. Thanks for joining me on the divorce magazine Canada podcast. You are going to hear from our team of experts and professionals how to navigate this difficult transition in your life easier, more efficiently and with better outcomes. Did you know we host online divorce resource groups that are free to attend, and everyone is welcome? Check out the links in our show notes. And be sure and join us. We love bringing experts to you please refer to our terms of service available on our website, divorce magazine And stay tuned at the end for the legal language. Ready? Here we go.
Deena Kordt 1:13
Okay, here's something you don't want to miss our online conference. It's three hours jam packed with all kinds of value. 12 different presentations, including we're hearing from Justice Rod Jerke. Now this is a judge who is involved with reforming the family justice system. The legal system knows that it can do better. And he is part of an incredible group that is working to make it better. We here will also be having presentations about mortgages and spousal buyout about relationships about mindset about creating cohabitation and Prenuptial agreements about determining support, there is so much value here. Please check it out in the shownotes. Find your ticket on Eventbrite it's only 25 bucks, the value is so far beyond this. But I want to make it accessible. That's the earlybird price. And then it's going to go up on the 15th of September. So make sure that you jump in there and grab your ticket. There's also a replay ticket. So if you want to come but you want to be able to go back and listen to those replays or you aren't able to attend at that time, you can grab full replay of that. So it's three hours on Tuesday, September 26. That's a Tuesday in the evening from 630 to 930. So make sure and check out that information. Now, my special guest today is Patricia Dalgleish, she has so much information that is so encouraging about energy and what you can do to improve your energy to improve your health. And she's got some products that have helped her as well. She is very interesting. So please meet her now. Hi, Patricia. Happy to have you here with me today. And I'm excited to share with my audience what it is that you have going on that can really support them and make a huge impact, a positive impact in their life. So please tell us a bit about yourself and the why behind what you do.
Patricia Dalgleish 3:13
So for me, I do a couple of things. I do something called energy alignment method. And I did helps people reduce just stress that you might have, in your energy we carry our energy or energy goes out as far as 20 feet. It's been actually scientifically proven. When you walk into a room and you feel someone's energy that is real. So I help people release stuff, whether it's generational trauma, or childhood or past trauma. And so when people are going through divorces, there's always trauma and understanding as a stepmom there's things along the way that can kind of build up and bring, you know just different energy. And I also have something called LifeVantage products. So it's like the base product. Our flagship product is called Protandim interrupt two. And what it does activates your body so that you make your own antioxidants. And it is clinically proven to reduce oxidative stress, which is free radical damage, like 40% in 30 days. Plus we have more activation products. And that's why I chose activation as part of my business. That's incredible. You're supporting people on very many levels. And I love that I want to unpack this a little because there's a lot of value here. So let's go back to what you started with and the stress that people are experiencing and there's different types of stress
Deena Kordt 5:00
There's different times that that can be triggered. And you have ways to help people get through all of those.
Patricia Dalgleish 5:08
Yeah, so if we look at helping the body first, we are bombarded with chemicals stressed in our food, from our phones from technology, we are bombarded with financial stress. That didn't alone, you don't really have to say much more than that. Because inflation hyperinflation and hopefully that stays away. And then also, with the energy am process, it's a five step process that you can actually release, if you're feeling in the moment, I'm feeling stressed, take a deep breath, I'm ready to release, whatever it is, from my energy, in all forms on all levels in all points of time, and there's a five step process that I can go over. But, and then the beauty of it is you add, you don't just release it, you add something in. So when you empty the cup, you want to fill it with something positive. I allow into my energy, if you're afraid of public speaking, that I feel confident talking in front of a group and flows with ease.
Deena Kordt 6:21
Oh, you've got some very impressive. Would you call them affirmations? Yes. Okay. So this
Patricia Dalgleish 6:32
in a sense, we want to use something that's high on the emotional scale, or, you know, or has a high vibration, because people talk about the law of attraction. And yes, that's important. But it's our vibration, our energy that uses the law of attraction. So you don't want to be stuck in fear, negative thoughts, limiting beliefs, whatever it is, you want it to be joy and bliss. And let go of those stressful, limiting beliefs that you have in your energy and it stays in your energy until you clear it.
Deena Kordt 7:12
The you have tools that you offer, when you work with people to help them clear those blocks and, and, and clear that energy and, and step out of that work through it. Step out of it. And then yes, go beyond Is that how that process works?
Patricia Dalgleish 7:28
Yes. So I take, I actually have a 13 week program coming up in September. So we do it as a group class. And I do one on one sessions. And so you kind of get taught how to release and how to add. And once you start clearing the big traumas, if someone has been bullied in their lives, where did it start? What age did it start? And the beauty of this, I don't need to go into details of what happened. Let's just clear it from your energy at age six, or whatever age it started. And then we add in, I'm ready to allow forgiveness, love, joy, so that it's not there. And I don't know how to explain it. It's just so profound. I've seen people let go of a pain in their heart that was there for a long time, from whatever trauma that's happened in their lives, and they just feel easier.
Deena Kordt
Well, I think, and correct me if I'm wrong, but have you experienced where something triggers people and they don't know why they're feeling some reaction? They don't really know why. And once they're able to discover, uncover, acknowledge, and own it, and understand. Okay, thank you. I recognize now where this came from, and why I felt triggered. So now I can deal with it.
Patricia Dalgleish
Is that Yeah, you can, you can even take that a little farther. If something triggers us someone makes you feel small, right? And that happens to whomever right over the years, depending on where our confidence levels, what is that trigger, I'm ready to release in that moment. It's better if you say it out loud, but you can still say it inside. I'm ready to release this trigger of feeling small, I release it for my energy on all levels on all in all forms and all points for time. And you say that three times. And then you add in. I allow myself to feel confident and stand in my power in all levels and all forms and all points of time. And it's it's profound is the word.
Deena Kordt 9:54
That's amazing. Yeah. And so even if you aren't able to understand And before discover what the root cause of that reaction was, you can deal in that moment with that response and that reaction.
Patricia Dalgleish 10:10
And if you have time later, let's discover where did it start? Did it? Did it start? When I was five, when I was bullied? Did it start? You know, from something that your mom said, or your dad said, or is it even mine? Is it generational? Is it society that put this on our community?
Deena Kordt 10:30
And you mentioned how divorces and separations can trigger things that people didn't even realize were underlying. And that situation is unique to some of the other stressors or the other triggers that they may have faced. And so suddenly, they not only are dealing with going through that transition, but they're also dealing with some some new reactions and responses that that is, is scary.
Patricia Dalgleish 11:01
It is scary. And even from my own experience, I haven't I'm not divorced, but I married somebody who was divorced. And so with that, I have three step kids. And with that there's a feeling of, oh, I'm not. I'm not the first wife. You know, there's those feelings. So I've had a lot of personal growth that I had to do over and, and then treating the kids, you know, finding the balance with that. Not losing myself. In that.
Deena Kordt 11:37
Yeah. You mentioned that earlier, as well about being a stepmom. And how this has helped you and some things that you've discovered and learned about yourself in that role. has that impacted how you are able to relate to others that that you work with?
Patricia Dalgleish 11:55
Yes, I think that, first of all, setting boundaries, and not not meanness, but boundaries. Okay, this is comfortable. This is what I'm not comfortable with. And I kind of right to begin with, before I actually got married, I had a sit down conversation with the kids as mom. And we talked about, you know, different things. And we, truthfully, the kids are all grown up now we have grandkids. And we did a really good job of putting the kids first. Was it easy all the time? No. But that was our main focus. And the X never goes away, because now we have grandkids together. Today, actually, we have our grandkids, and they're going back with their grandma. So, you know, it never goes away. So let's make it the best it can be.
Deena Kordt 12:54
I commend you for that. That is that is not necessarily easy. It? Well, absolutely. Can I say? Absolutely. It absolutely is not easy. But it's commendable that you make that effort that you put yourself in that conversation and in those vulnerable places and have a clear focus of where the priority lies. And so everything comes back to that when there's when there's a decision or a situation it comes back to Okay, well, what is our priority?
Patricia Dalgleish 13:23
Yeah, what's the focus? Let's put our own insecurities because a lot of times it is our own insecurities. And so the EIM is a tool that I can use to release if something does come up because I am human, you know, things trigger me still. And yeah, everybody's perception is different. If I look at, we're having this conversation, and my filter has my experiences in your filter has yours until we come together through our filters, or our experiences finding common ground.
Deena Kordt 14:02
I like how you picture that for us because it, it's a way that we are seeing the situation and always how we can bring is what we know or have learned. Yes, so we see it that way. But then as a reminder that okay, but every person involved has their own, like a filter, like you say, everybody has their own perspective that they're coming from that they use as a reference point, right? So if they have a decision to make, they're making it from their background to that point. And I think if we're open to learn what the other people's perspective is, and to learn how we could be in that situation that everybody's happy everybody wins, and and, you know, be flexible. But part of it is understanding that filter, just recognizing that others have that so I really like how you do portrayed that in relationships, what is the eighth, it was an ATM that you mentioned the
Patricia Dalgleish 15:08
energy alignment method. And I am the first Canadian to have this accreditation. It's based out of the UK. It's a five step simple process, that it's a movement. It's happening all over the world, it's going global. And so it's, it's a really beautiful, profound, hands off. And I could teach somebody to do this in, you know, three to four months. And if they're committed, they can do it to empower themselves. I'm not there forever, if they choose that, right.
Deena Kordt 15:48
Now, tell us about this workshop that you have coming up.
Patricia Dalgleish 15:51
So it's a 13 week program. So we'll cover the bases of em, follow the five steps, and then we'll clear different things from we have the chakra, so I don't know if you've heard about them, energy systems. So we look at where, like for me, I've also had breast cancer. And so one of my chakras that was had a lot of trauma was my heart. So I had to do a lot of healing, generational trauma we looked at, so I had sadness to deal with from my mom, because my mom also passed, she passed from breast cancer. And then her mom passed from childbirth. So there was a lot of generational trauma that had to be cleared. So then we look at her timeline, is there something? Was there a car accident that happened? Even looking back to the womb, when our energy starts at the moment of conception, or energy system? So was your mom in a car accident? Or was there grief? When your mom was pregnant with you? Are you carrying that grief? So it's really quite profound. We look at different details. And I also have something called psychosomatic therapy. So how are we holding this in our body at cellular level, because our body never realized. And so there's just different ways of looking at our energy, to investigate and to be able to release because through our thoughts or beliefs, our chakra system, our aura, our funnel is something where we allow ourselves to receive and some people, that was me, before I started doing the work was I wasn't allowing myself to receive a mic open to receive abundance, whether it's joy, money, whatever might be.
Deena Kordt 17:53
Okay, I, I have to say first, when you mentioned the chakras, I actually am a Reiki Master. So yes, I'm very aware of them. And, you know, I encourage people to learn more about it, and that are our energy systems and, and about their chakras. The other thing that is I can really relate to, is that resistance to allow for abundance or to ask for abundance, whether it's asking for help.
Deena Kordt 18:26
I think the biggest example I can think of that always comes to mind was about five years ago, I was in pretty serious, well, very serious motorcycle accident. And I had two hands in splints. I've had been in the hospital for two weeks, I had an air boot on. And I was I was declining assistance from others. And I was talking to a therapist one day. And she said, How do you feel when others accept? Oh, because you're, you're someone who helps people a lot. And I said, Oh, I feel great when, when there's something that they will allow me to help them with. And she said, Why are you denying others that same joy? And when she flipped it that way? I realized that it was a bit of selfishness involved with my refusal to allow that abundance and that care. And I think the universe is that on like, far greater spectrum is all the abundance that's available to us. And we resist it. And we don't think we should ask or that we should accept it or that we're worthy of it and all those blocks. And I think that's what you're referring to is yes, yes into that.
Patricia Dalgleish 19:45
Yeah, because we have hidden money blocks. We have hidden love blocks, like they're all kind of there and whether it's yours or past relationships or you know that then influenced you or generated shouldn't because if you consider when a mother is pregnant with a little girl, there's four generations in that baby cuz she's born with eggs. She's inside her mom. And, you know, so then her grandma's done. Genetics or DNA is in there as well. So it's for just right there. So the generations are felt
Deena Kordt 20:24
so fascinating. It's, it's, it really is. It's fascinating stuff. And I love this movement that we are seeing. It's not many years ago that it was still an in some places considered woowoo. It's out there, but more and more science is behind it. Where, you know, if that's what it takes to convince people, that this is a very real power, and why not lean into it, why not allow it? Why not harness that there's no harm that can come from this energy. And and that's, you know, that I learned through Reiki, there's no harm, that it's all meant for your good.
Patricia Dalgleish 21:05
Yeah, cuz we want the highest good for everybody. If I share a little bit about my story, like I had breast cancer, not just once, but twice. And without this work, yes, I take their pretend I'm in or have to, and all the other products to help fix the sales. And I do the other energy work. Because without it, we have to learn to love and accept ourselves. And to be seen, we're all craving to be seen and heard.
Deena Kordt 21:33
That's beautiful. Patricia, you know, it again, you've got the products, we I want to talk more about those. But you're healing on different levels. So you can take you can you can be healing, physically. But if you aren't also healing spiritually and mentally, then you're losing that benefit that could be expounded. So or expanded on. Can you tell us more about the products that you also use in correlation with these other work with the energy work?
Patricia Dalgleish 22:03
So we are, it's a direct sales company, and it is an activation company. So the basic products activate your body, so you reduce oxidative stress. And I just put them on the table for my husband, because he was a little apprehensive, but 15 days in, he's like, what's in that? I feel calm? So people who are feeling that stress? Does that happen for everybody? No, because everybody needs a different thing to be flipped on in your body. We flip on Activate your mitochondria. NAD, we can't live without any dt. Do I know the science of it? No. Does it matter? Sure it does. But I don't understand that. But I know that my body is getting help. That it's getting better. So it's an anti aging. It's we also have an activation collagen. So it flips on. Yes, it. It maintains. But it's also flipped on so your body makes its own collagen. And oh my god, the results are fabulous. People see results in seven days. Not everybody. But what happens on the inside your joints, your nails, your hair. And we have collagen and everything, whether it's our stomach, our bladder joints, right.
Deena Kordt 23:32
What I love about that story, what I love about that story, Patricia is someone that had some skepticism, your husband like, you know, he, yeah, he still saw results. So there goes that placebo effect that people may go well, yeah, but if you believe in it, you'll see the results. And you'll you'll see whatever you want to believe. Right. But he actually saw results. That sounds pretty quick.
Patricia Dalgleish 23:56
Yeah. And it's it's profound in a sense that he was just so bombarded with work, like he had lots of work financial stress at the time. He was getting hard to live with, excuse my language. But you know, like when people go through that type of stress that people in our lives, feel it and so people who are going through divorce, that's something if you can give your body help. Why wouldn't you being proactive rather than reactive? Because I tell you having breast cancer and reacting to an illness and trying to solve all the stuff that goes with it. Being proactive is the answer.
Deena Kordt 24:47
Well, I'm fortunate I have met you and and been around you several times. And I find that if that speaks to the energy that you're teaching, and you have a very, Very inspiring, soothing, happy, uplifting energy to you. Now, I don't know if you've always naturally been that way, or it's something that you've worked toward, but it is a testament to what you're doing. Because it that isn't always the case with people who are, you know, in this type of work?
Patricia Dalgleish 25:22
Yes. And I've done for me, I've done the work. I had to because I had to come across and decide to live, there was a point because I had to figure out that my path was my path. So that was a really big lesson for me. Because my mom passed from cancer, right? And so I'm most like my mom out of all my family. And so I had to come to that conclusion. So that in itself where the work was, and I changed paths, in a sense that I did one round of chemo, but I had an allergic reaction. So I'm like, Okay, I need to find a different way. And so I did, I found a different way and what the natural route.
Deena Kordt 26:13
I'm so impressed, I thank you so much for sharing your story and sharing your time with us today. And your encouraging message, we will definitely be sharing all of the links in the show notes, not only how to find and reach Patricia, but also the links for her upcoming 13 week program that is being offered. And if you're interested in the products that she's talked about, as well, then definitely reach out to her and learn more, because it very likely, there is something there that can be of help to you wherever you are. I thank you so much for for being here. Is there anything else that you would like to add Patricia?
Patricia Dalgleish 26:53
Um, no, basically, I think that we everything is energy. And we can create our own direction, we just have to sort out the stuff that's holding us back.
Deena Kordt 27:07
great note to end on. Thank you so much. Thank you guest.
If you'd like to hear more from Patricia, she has a couple of webinars coming up on September 12 and 19th. And the links for those are in the show notes. Also grab your ticket for the online conference that's coming up on September 26. Three hours in the evening jam packed with all kinds of valuable information, and you can also grab a replay. Those links are also in the show notes. Hope to see you there. Hopefully you heard something today that helps you wherever you might be in life. Do you have questions or a suggestion for a topic you want to know more about? Let me know. Check the show notes for all the contact information. Follow this podcast and find us on social.
Know anyone who might find this information helpful. Be a friend and share it. And hey, thank you for hanging out with me today. Keep smiling up beautiful smile. The world needs your sunshine.
It means a lot that you spend this time with us and meet our experts and professionals who can help you through divorce or separation. Please refer to our terms of service available on our website, divorce magazine The link is in the show notes. Our disclaimer, divorce resource groups, blog and all content, including our podcast is intended to educate and provide quality credible resource information. The contents should not be used as factual until consultation with the appropriate professionals for any guidance. Divorce magazine Canada does not constitute endorsements for nor liability for any claims made in the presenting of this information.